
Statement of Support from the Command of the Kurdistan National Army units in Iran ,regarding the destruction of Syria’s Military Infrastructure



Statement of Support from the Command of the Kurdistan National Army units in Iran ,regarding the destruction of Syria’s Military Infrastructure

The command of the Kurdistan National Army in Iran strongly supports the destruction of the Syrian government’s weapons and military infrastructure.
In recent decades, the Syrian government’s military capabilities have been used domestically to suppress the Kurdish nation and other marginalized identities as well as freedom-seeking movements. Externally, these capabilities have been exploited to ignite wars, expand terrorism, and destabilize the region.
A significant portion of Syria’s military infrastructure, weaponry, and capabilities have been provided by Iran, utilized by the Quds Force, and deployed to serve Tehran’s terrorist and warmongering objectives against the nations and peoples of the region.
Experience has shown that regimes like Syria and Iran, which direct weapons against defenseless populations within arbitrarily drawn borders, commit massacres, and threaten and violate the sovereignty of their neighbors, are not fit to possess military forces or arms.
Currently, the Iranian government’s military infrastructure, weaponry, and bases pose not only a tangible threat to regional peace and security but also serve as the primary barrier to the success of uprisings that periodically rise against the ruling regime. If Iran’s military infrastructure and weapons were to be dismantled, the Islamic Republic would not be able to stand against its people for even a single day.
The nations oppressed within Iran expect assistance and support from governments that understand the century-long suffering they have endured under the Pahlavi monarchy and the Islamic Republic regimes.

Kurdistan National Army
Command in Iran
Sermawez 23, 2724 
December 13, 2024
